
How to Buy


Download & setup MetaMask or TrustWallet

Download MetaMask (a crypto wallet in form of a browser extension) or TrustWallet (an app for your phone). After that you will have to add the Binance Smart Chain to your network-list


Buy and send BNB to MetaMask

Buy BNB on an exchange (i.e. Binance, Kraken, Coinbase etc.). Transfer the tokens to your MetaMask wallet address. BEP-20 addresses start with a "0x"


View $MiniFeg and HODL

Swap BNB for MiniFeg. Now you need to add MiniFeg to your MetaMask or Trust Wallet to view your $MiniFeg. Lastly HODL!



10% Redistribution In $FEG

10% of every buy/sell is taken and redistributed to all holders. Hold $MiniFeg tokens, earn $FEG. Minimum 200,000 tokens


3% Auto Liquidity Pool

3% of every transaction is transformed into liquidity for Pancakeswap. It’s automatic and helps create a price floor (stability).


1% Sell Fee

Extra 1% fee is applied to all sells.This will allow us to reduce swing-trading and break whales’ control.


Massive Marketing Plan

5% of every transaction is allocated to Marketing in $FEG (swapped to $FEG in real time to avoid dumps). So we can fuel the most ambitious projects and reward our active community.

Token Distribution

  • Redistribution
  • Auto Liquidity Pool
  • Sell Fee
  • Marketing Fee

asked questions

$MiniFeg is a $FEG reflection token.
MiniFeg is a $FEG rewards token with an unique auto-claim feature. $FEG ($FEG tokens) rewards are sent to your wallet directly. All you need to do is HODL MiniFeg and earn $FEG rewards HOURLY.

With the auto-claim feature, you’ll receive $FEG automatically in your wallet every 60 minutes.

At this stage, there is no minimum of $MiniFeg tokens needed by each holder. But if you want to benefit from the $FEG reward distribution you will have to hold at least 200,000 $MiniFeg tokens.

The best way to contact the team is through our Telegram. We are always available to help you!